As a local Downley resident for 36 years (and born in High Wycombe) and as a local Councillor, I am aware of the issues important to all of us and work hard to achieve results. I have worked with many individuals as well as the whole community to achieve a better quality of life and get results.
I was elected to Wycombe District Council in 2011 and served in many roles. I had the honour of being elected the last ever Chairman of WDC before the move to a Unitary Council. I am currently serving on the Children’s and Education Select Committee, and Planning Committee, as well as representing Downley ward on the North West and High Wycombe Community Boards.
With a child at The Downley School and a member of St James’ Church I am very much part of our community and will always work hard to ensure all our lives are healthier, happier and that Downley remains a pleasant place to live.